Contact Nan Hall Linke

In order to schedule a personal appointment you must provide your date, place and time of birth for yourself, as well as for those persons whom you request additional information on. Nan works by appointment Monday - Friday from 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM (CST). Telephone appointments can be scheduled for those out of the Houston area. Payment can be in the form of cash, check, Master Card and Visa. For best results, a list of questions should be prepared for the appointment time.

Astrology is useful for business timing as well as timing of surgery, weddings and births. It is also very helpful to measure our compatibility with those whom we have personal and professional relationships. If you schedule an appointment with Nan Hall Linke, you will have a consultation, not a "reading". By definition, a consultation is a conversation between your self awareness and Nan's enhanced picture of you. Nan will suggest tools for your successful growth and development. "A reading is a one way experience."

Effective January 1, 2025, new session rates are:
One hour session - $215.00, Half hour session - $120.00

Gift certificates available for consultations.

To schedule an appointment, call 713-520-1551 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday (CST)

Nan Hall Linke is available to lecture to your group or organization on a topic included in the tape series, or a topic of your choosing. Fees available on request.

19 Briar Hollow Lane, Suite 263
Houston, Texas 77027
Click here for driving instructions

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Nan Hall Linke
19 Briar Hollow Lane, Suite 263
Houston, Texas 77027
Phone: 713-542-7231